Capital Partners for Education
CPFE partnered with us to create an association website with strong event functionality and cutting-edge support for all-things-mobile including event check in by mobile phone, and mobile donations to support their huge youthful student base. They also wanted multiple options to feature videos of their programs and events.
The resulting website features stunning custom-crafted graphics, a powerful event framework, strong responsive support and multiple video sliders.
Though the website is multilayered and powerful, we made it easy to update and trained their team to support and update and edit themselves, even adding pages and videos and image galleries. So even though the volunteer team has changed hands many times, and novices are doing the updates, still the site looks good.
CPFE is a premier mentoring and college success program for low-income students living in the Washington, DC area. CPE provides high school and college students with a unique combination of one-on-one mentoring, individualized staff support, college and career readiness programming, and academic financial assistance.
Project Details
- Client:Capital Partners for Education
- Category: Association – Nonprofit Web Design
- Website: